Datasheet update

We’ve updated our datasheet with various changes due to enhancements and discovered issues.

Feature Updates

Most notably we have updated the features by removing “Direct connection to Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure” and adding “Over-the-Air updates”. It seems obvious which one should take priority for our first release. We could work with a customer to add this feature early based on the volume purchased, but the ability to update the firmware seems obvious to take more priority. Our current Beta customers have not needed the cloud connectivity feature, but OTA updates are critical.

Effective sampling rate for digital inputs

In our initial testing we were able to achieve sampling rates of 30,000 samples per second. After a required change to Bluetooth, our sample rates seem to have leveled out at 10,000 samples per second.


The physical characteristics drawings have been updated to display a closer approximation to correctly reflecting our housing form factor.

Status lights

With more pins available on our latest prototype boards we were able to better present the device status.

Factory reset

Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the SHARC. Hold down the user button and plug in the Ethernet cable to power on the SHARC. The status light will change from yellow to magenta color. Keep holding down the user button until the status light changes to white color. Release the user button. The device will restart using factory settings.


User Interface


SHARC Use Cases